Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Kassies Shoe Picks

I really feel like Kassie has truly tapped into my brain this go round because i literally love every fucking shoe she chose this time.Fall is right around the corner *thank god* and boots are a must as well as some bold color and pattern options. Toes can still be shown in the fall and cutouts have not left the building just yet many of these shoes can be worn through many seasons, styling is key. Check these shoes out and tell me what you guys think!!

In other news....

My last post about Russia and their Anti-gay laws has me being truly slapped in the face by a lot of other LGBT issues that are going on around the world. Now I am usually not one to write about political issues but when I come across something I feel passionate about it just happens. Shortly after hearing about the situation in with Russia I came across a situation with Australia.
Basically Australia is not allowing refugees from any country or asylum seekers to come and stake claim in Australia. From the articles that I've come across many of these refugees are coming from places where they are being persecuted and their lives are in danger such as Russia and being sent to Papua new guinea where its really NOT ok to identify as a homosexual and one could do 14 years in jail.
So the argument is weather or not this is right. I feel that just like any place in the world that you are not born in there are certain steps that one must go through in order to gain access. This is totally understandable but I think to just turn people down isn't cool, especially those who are literally running for their lives. Sending someone who is fleeing anti-gay laws to somewhere that has an anti-gay mentality is INSANE however this has been the procedure for quite sometime now. Although I don't believe that differentiating between homo/heterosexual refugees is the immediate concern, safety and making sure that people are not just being crammed into fucking slum holes is. This is really shining a negative light on Australia because now its beginning to snowball. There are currently protests, all types of speeches and talks of letting refugees free and allowing them to work going on over there to rectify this situation, I hope they figure something out soon because this shit is getting out of hand.
Just this morning I was reading and article about a Navy officer who proposed to his boyfriend after being away on a submarine for the last six months. You would think this would be a great thing; a man who is risking his life to protect ours, comes home and makes a commitment to the person he loves. This story being reported on US Today was met with some of the most disgusting and hateful comments I have read. In my opinion who this man lays down with is no one else's fucking business besides that person. One of the comments that bothered me the most was one that said this was all for show and attention. Like it or not these two are happy and living THEIR lives and at the end of the day the ignorant assholes who write hateful comments will continue to be bitter and miserable.
In a world where people are so quick to hate you for not being "normal" I just hope you guys that are not "normal" stay that way and hold true to who you are because you know what?? Being normal is pretty fucking boring.
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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

NO "Gay Propaganda" ALLOWED

So this morning as I was checking my Grindr....... don't even ask lol, I was stopped by a pop-up message about signing the petition to for the lift of the gay propaganda ban in Russia. Ok so if you guys aren't aware of whats going on don't be ashamed I wasn't either until just a few days ago when I walked in on a broadcast my grandma was watching from CNN or something and they were discussing it.
Basically Russia has put out a ban on any and all "gay propaganda" in the entire country and the dissemination of any of information promoting non-traditional sexual orientations. That all means that anything that can be perceived as promoting gay or "non-traditional" lifestyles  can get you into some trouble with the law. An interview that I was able to see had a reporter talking to a gay Russian man who flat out said how he could be arrested just for being overheard speaking about being gay.
This situation over in Russia has brought on a million protests and of course caused all types of bullshit and violence, many times leaving the protesters, not the assholes who attack and harass people for simply wanting to live their lives peacefully and feel very fucking free to be who they are, at fault. In the beginning it was basically a ban to keep this type of information from the eyes of minors, ok so that's like saying "no porn for anyone under 18" except in Russia its saying " nothing non-traditional aka nothing promoting a homosexual lifestyle can be done in the presence of anyone under 18 or over 18 at this point".  This coming with the approach of the 2014 winter Olympics in Sochi which has a lot of the openly gay competitors from around the world going IN on the bullshit that Russia is doing.
I personally feel like this is just some sort of patriarchal power trip or like a "purification" tactic of sorts. Well whatever it is I don't like it and I think its bullshit. I get pissed off when any group tries to oppress another group for having beliefs and lifestyles (which in no way affect the lives of those not involved) that are different from their own.
Long story short I signed the petition that is going to be sent to the IOC (International Olympic Committee) which condemns these anti-gay bans that Russia has at the Olympics, this would put major pressure on the president of Russia to change them. The number is 300,000 signatures to get the petition to the IOC when I signed it was at about 306,000 signatures and counting....
*pictures from Google images*
Here are a few articles about the whole situation

Twitter: Only1Kmichael
Instagram: 1kmichael