Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Hey guys!! OK so I have been a busy little bee trying to get things together for the debut sale this weekend! I hope you all are as excited as I am (and I'm really excited) because I mean who doesn't love a good sale? lol. Friday July 20th- Monday July 23rd ALL jewelry will be 25% off the listed prices which range from $8.00-$78.00. The sale saves you shipping and then some on some AMAZING original pieces which are in very limited supply. If you saw something you liked from either collection now is a great time to own it. This is the first sale but I promise it wont be the last so don't worry if you cant participate this time around. I really hope to see you all getting those orders in and rocking some Deviant Attire pieces!! The direct link to my etsy shop is  SEE YOU THERE!!!


Sunday, July 15, 2012

The big debut!!!

Hey fashion friends!! OMG! today is such an exciting day for me and hopefully for you guys as well! So I have two pieces of exciting news (one maybe more exciting than other, at least for me lol) it is July, 15th!! which means HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me!! to those of you who I have already spoken to thank you SO much for the birthday wishes and thank you in advance for anymore that are coming! *muah*
Secondly as you all know from the last post this is the big day! The second collection from Deviant Attire; Out of Africa is finally finished and ready to be shown!!! I am very excited about this collection as I told you all already, I literally had to stop myself from making doubles of everything lol but there were a few that  just couldnt help but to make two. With that being said there are three pieces that are truly one of a kind, not even I will have one. I plan on having everything up on etsy in the next few days. I will be sure to inform you guys when that happens so just be on the look out for that post. ALSO as a promotional plan I will be running a sale through my Etsy shop this upcoming weekend (20th-22nd) so keep an eye out for that information as well! It will be an opportunity to get some amazing pieces at a great price (for those who don't like to pay full price, such as myself lol) So that actually makes three pieces of good news right?:-) Below you will find pictures of the new collection. Be sure to also check out the current selection of Deviant Attire jewelry at

-K. Michael