Thursday, June 20, 2013

Underground Flyy

"Vice" NewKult
OK so I came across this awesome retailer through some likes on Instagram called BMAmodified. This apparel, and jewelry line is an underground one based out of L.A and it totally fits everything about that aesthetic. I first fell in love with the "Vice" sweatshirt, which has a big ass Medusa head on the front, by NewKult which is a brand carried by BMA that specializes in shirts using various computer graphics. Once I actually visited the website for BMA modified I was then interested to find out what New Kult was and I was basically all over everything, I personally want to just break the bank and order so much shit from both of these companies because many of the pieces that they have really speak to me.

If you guys are into that L.A street wear style I think you definitely need to check out both of these brands, you'll like them.

Instagram: 1kmichael
Twitter: @Only1Kmichael

*all photos property of NewKult and BMA Modifed*
BMA Modified
BMA Modified

New Kult

New Kult

New Kult

BMA Modified
BMA Modified

Sunday, June 16, 2013

No More Hoarding!!!

     Hey guys!! As I was packing to come home on this little vacation that I am currently on I started to realize that I had things that I don't wear and most likely I wasn't going to anytime soon, we can confidently say that I have been hoarding things for quite sometime now lol. I tell you, you never realize just how much shit you have until you have to pack it up and move it.

     The time has come for me to just let go and that's exactly what I plan to do...... for a small fee that is. Below are some pictures of some new and gently used (worn twice at most) shoes that I am letting go of check them out and if you see anything that you love and want shoot me an e-mail and let me know ASAP before someone else beats you to it!!

P.S. I am also going to be going through some jewelry and stuff too so keep a look out for that post as well.

TWITTER: Only1Kmichael
INSTAGRAM: 1kmichael

BCBG size 10 (worn)
Bakers WP size 11 (worn)

Bakers H by Halston size 11 (new)
Aldo size 11 (new)

Cole Haan Mens size 9 (new)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Oh how I've missed you!

     Long time no see!!! this go-round it has truly been a long time since I've gotten on and talked to you guys about anything. I had to take a break, completely against my will due to some things that were happening the past month or so, lets just say I was quite OVER IT but I'm back now and ready to get to it!

     I am currently back in my hometown planning to spend the summer with friends and family and get back grounded before I return to Atlanta. During this time that I'm here I have a lot of things I'm trying to get the ball rolling on and I will for sure keep you guys posted on that. One of the things that I'm trying to do quite soon is re-vamp Deviant Attire and have it directly available to you guys from this site (as soon as figure out how to do it lol). I am also going to be selling some pieces from my closet that I will make a post for as well so stay tuned.

      Until next time, here is another set of awesome selections from Kassie's Shoe Picks!