Friday, October 25, 2013

Granny Realness

These past few months of my life have been quite eventful. I have learned a lot about people around me but mostly myself. There comes a point when you have to have what me and a very close friend of mine call "Granny Realness". This is when you and whoever you are talking to enter a space where nothing but the truth can be told no matter how real it may get. This actually started after I told a my friend how honest and blunt my grandmother is about everything. Now this isn't a chance for you to just really tear into this person with malicious intent but rather be the one that removes the rose colored glasses they be wearing.
This was the case for the majority of my summer I had to really evaluate some situations I allowed to be ok as well as the true intentions of some of the people that I allowed to be so close to me. Being told that people really close to you don't really have your best interest in mind is a tough pill to swallow, actually realizing it for yourself if even harder. The granny realness comes in when you can have this conversation with that person that you choose, hear this, and as much as it may hurt, understand it. Now, Granny Realness isn't always as serious as distancing yourself from bad relationships sometimes its as light-hearted as chatting with friends about how much you really conceal your crazy around cute boys lol.
I say all of this to say that in life you always have to be able to be completely honest with yourself or have that one friend that will tell you how it is when you cant see it. Self-awareness is an amazing trait to have, look at it like granny realness with yourself, it allows you to be much more critical of the choices that YOU make instead of pointing fingers when shit doesn't go your way. I suggest you all get a Granny Realness session in as often as possible. If you cant have a very real and judgment free conversation with at least one person in your circle, if not everyone, you need a new circle. Now, that's some Granny Realness for you guys!
Instagram: 1kmichael
Twitter: Only1Kmichael


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