Monday, January 23, 2012

Just throw it in the bag!!!

OK so incase you all didnt know I am a HUGE fan of thrift store shopping, I feel that I find far more amazing things there than I do when I shop well known retail stores. Just about everything in there is one of a kind, and I'm all for being the only one with a particular item and not to mention it is easy on the pockets:-). So today me and a friend of mine took a trip up to Dayton to the salvation army thrift store (if ever you can make it I strongly recommend it), another friend of mine has been telling me about this place for ages and I never made it there....... until today that is. First off this place is absolutely HUGE!! I mean there are isles and isles of clothing and its all really inexpensive, you have blazers (which I practically live in), button downs, jeans, shorts, skirts, shoes, dresses, coats, etc in all shapes, colors and designs. Today there was a special not really sure what they called it but for the sake of the story I will call it the "all you can fill sale" So the clothing is tagged by color and two colors are included in this sale, basically you get a bag and fill it with as many things of those color tags as you can for 8 bucks!, can you say SCORE! So of course I filled my bag to the top lol, I grabbed a few blazers, some sweaters, some old school high waist jeans, a few shirts, and this awesome belt lets just say I cleaned up. I will definitely be making a trip back up there!! Here are pics of a few of the things I found

          -K. Michael

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mens Fashion Week

OMG Finally I can sit down and talk about somethings, I have been busy busy busy! Well lets jump right on into it lol. As I had mentioned in an earlier post mens fashion week was this past weekend, SO exciting! Although I am a season behind (dont worry I will be caught up very soon :-)) I am being blown away by this amazing stuff I am coming across for the mens spring collections I have so many faves from various designers such as; Philip Lim, Antonio Azzuolo, Christopher Kane (love the short shorts!!), Balenciaga, Balmain, James Long, and Henrik Vibskov just to name a few.
            I am taking my notes as we speak on their fall collections so I will have that recapped and posted very soon. One of the trends I noticed among the collections was the short short which I LOVE if you have awesome legs, if not then its not going to be your best piece. Another was Ombre and of course color blocking, neutrals, nautical stripes, and animal print (mostly python). Thinking about what is in my closet right now im sure I have snagged some of these trends from a thrift store or two at some point. I love the risks menswear is taking maybe guys all over will pick up on some of these fashion movements, only time will telI. Pictures of my faves will be at the bottom.
       P.S.  Now its time for me to work on my collection. I am in the process of oredering some more supplies so I can get some more jewelry pieces made. I've been sketching for the past few weeks. When the new stuff is done I will be sure to let you know and get some pictures up, I cant wait to see my sketches come to life. Untill then I'm off to get inspired!

                                                                         PHILLIP LIM

                                                                                                           ANTONIO AZZOULO


                                                                                               CHRISTOPHER KANE
                                                                                        HENRIK VIBSKOV

                                                                               JAMES LONG
                                                                              RICK OWENS


Saturday, January 14, 2012

FABulous FINDS!!

So today I was doing a little shopping with my mom for outfits for our family pictures that we are getting done and of course me being the shopper that I am I spied with my little eye all things fabulous lol. These little buddies by Kelsi Dagger practically jumped off the rack and slapped me in the face! I knew when I saw them that I had to have them. I have been eyeing a pair from Victoria's Secret by her but wanted to know how they fit first. They fit perfectly, they look awesome on and not to mention they are color blocked (which is SO in right now) with two neutrals which means they can be basically be worn with everything! Thank you TJ Maxx!


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Shades of Grey

Growing up I used to believe that something was wrong with me, now I can see that there is something wrong with the world around me. I used to once think that fashion was black or white, male or female, right or wrong, in my maturity and greater age I now know that there are ALWAYS shades of grey! That grey area is something that I want to make visible through this blog as well as some of my interpretaions of what types of AMAZING things happen there. I am starting to take notice to some of the risks that menswear designers are taking and I am SO in love! They aren't wearing that typical black, navy or grey suit I can tell you that much. I am dying with anticipation as to what there is to see with Men's Fashion Week SP/SU 2012 just around the corner. I am going to do my best to stay current, I am ready to see more blurred fashion lines!!! Below are some guys that I have come across that I defnitely see in the grey area with their fashion choices.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The start of something amazing!!

Hello world! Finally I have just taken a seat and made the decision to start this blog, it has been a long time coming.The title of this blog Deviant Attire, meaning "different attire" was chosen because I believe that my way of dress and just my being in general is very deviant in our society. I however, have chosen to embrace my being different and make it work in my favor, I mean honestly, who really wants to blend in? I would like for this to be more than just a typical fashion blog now what that entails is something that I don't know right now, only time will tell! I do want to be able to keep up with this regularly but I'm sure that wont happen but it will be often and random most likely lol. so until then I'm off to get inspired!!!

        -K. Michael