Monday, February 6, 2012


The commentary behind this video is absolutely disgusting! At one time this is how african americans were treated, just because they were the race they were #howquicklyweforget. If a group of Caucasian people did this to an African American the whole fucking community would be irate, however we do this to our own people and find it to be entertaining, and even condone it!? This is a hate crime against your own people, who does this?! What the fuck is our community coming to?  I had to post this ASAP and to as many places as I could because this type of bullshit is beyond uncalled for. These idiots need to be put under the jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200$. Being a member of the LGBT community myself this hits very close to home. Although I have never experienced a situation like this I know all too well what it is like to be targeted for being different. I really hope that my posting this gets the message out that this type of behavior is NOT ok. Please please please DONT be a enabler to this type of degrading behavior.


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