Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Its a right NOT a priviledge

Hey guys, I had to get on here and just talk briefly about the Supreme court marriage equality case. As you know the deliberations started yesterday and are still continuing now. I came across a very recent article from the Chicago Tribune (posted around noon) covering some of the arguments currently being presented, and I have to say they go a little deeper than I thought. One that was really interesting was "The question is whether the federal government…has the authority to regulate marriage" this is interesting because I feel that there are things that should be across the board and giving states the power to regulate this on their own terms will eliminate that as it is currently doing. Personally I feel that a marriage should have the same rights PERIOD. A same-sex marriage is not he same as an opposite-sex marriage.... VISUALLY but spiritually, emotionally, financially, they are and therefore should have the same opportunities and rights afforded to them. I could go on and on about my personal beliefs on this but I would really love it if you guys weighed in on this article and left your comments!

click the link below to check out the article

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