Sunday, March 31, 2013

Kassie's Shoe picks

Masaya Kushino
Hey guys! HAPPY EASTER! I am currently spending my Easter laid on my couch watching housewives and eating my leftovers from last night, yes I cooked my Easter dinner early, I got hungry lol don't judge me. Collard greens, black eye peas, cornbread, and baked chicken oh and don't forget the Kool-Aid  #yesgod!

    Well lets get into why I'm posting today so a classmate of mine named Kassaundra who totally takes the cake for having a shoe obsession sent some pictures of some AMAZING shoes. Now anybody that knows me knows I am all for a kickass shoe be it a high-heel or a flat that just makes my heart skip a beat.  Her eye for crazy and wild footwear is definitely up there with mine. I have been meaning to put some of her shoe picks on the blog for quite some time now but never got around to doing it so here they are! I may be doing a spotlight on her choices every so often so definitely keep a lookout for them!

In the meantime check out The Virtual Shoe Museum for more from these shoe designers as well as MANY more by clicking the link below.

Virtual Shoe Museum

Ligiane Almeida

Manuh Batista

Masaya Kushino
Virtual shoe museum


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